HomeCase studies

Whatever issue you're facing, we use our experience to find the best solution for you. Here you can read case studies demonstrating how we have helped other clients to find commercial solutions to their problems and enable them to get on with business.

Banks & financial institutions
- Debt recovery, Day-to-day support, Litigation and dispute resolution

Helping an invoice finance company recover a £45K debt through a 7-day letter of claim

Our client, a privately owned invoice finance company, wanted assistance recovering an assigned debt of £45,000.

SMEs, directors & shareholders
- Commercial litigation, Dispute resolution, Debt recovery

Serving a statutory demand to fully recover a debt plus legal costs

Our client, a well-known invoice finance company, needed our help recovering a debt of £8,140. The debtor refused to pay following a letter before...

Banks & financial institutions
- Debt recovery, Day-to-day support, Litigation and dispute resolution

Achieving full recovery of an outstanding debt through a 7-day letter of claim

Our client, a financial services company, needed help recovering monies that had been owed to them for several months.

Insolvency practitioners
- Administration, Liquidation, Asset tracing

Facilitating the discovey of cryptoassets held by directors claiming an inability to pay their company’s liquidators

We were acting for joint liquidators to pursue a claim against directors of a company for breach of fiduciary duty. The directors were being...

SMEs, directors & shareholders
- Dispute resolution, Commercial litigation, Director services

Enabling our client both to avoid disqualification and seek repayment of all their legal costs

We were instructed by defendants to a disqualification claim approximately 2-3 weeks pre-trial without having previously been involved in the proceedings. They related to asset...

SMEs, directors & shareholders
- Commercial litigation, Dispute resolution, Director services

Getting HMRC to drop disqualification proceedings issued against a restauranter

Our client, the director of a large, successful restaurant, was subject to disqualification proceedings having been accused of not paying tax to HMRC while...

Private clients
- Commercial litigation and dispute resolution, Personal insolvency

Saving a private client from bankruptcy for partly disputed debts

Our client, a private individual, was facing the very real prospect of a bankruptcy petition being presented against him following the issue of two...

SMEs, directors & shareholders
- Commercial litigation, Dispute resolution, Director services

Negotiating a reduction in the disqualification term sought and costs with just one week’s notice

Our client was a director of a company which was liquidated in 2005 but which was then restored to the Registry of Companies following...

Banks & financial institutions
- Client take-on, Day-to-day support

Using our detailed understanding of the sector to support client expansion plans abroad

Via its specialist online platform, our client provides invoice finance and ‘back office’ administration support to recruitment agencies. One of its existing customers wanted...

SMEs, directors & shareholders
- Commercial litigation, Dispute resolution, Debt recovery

Fully recovering unpaid legal fees for a law firm

Our client, a law firm, needed our help recovering unpaid legal fees from one of its clients. The defendent was arguing that the solicitor...

Insolvency practitioners
- Liquidation, Company rescue, Director services

Helping a director wind up his own company

Our client was the director of a company which he wanted to wind up following a disagreement with another of the directors which could...

SMEs, directors & shareholders
- Commercial litigation, Dispute resolution, Director services

Defending a complex public interest winding up petition and director disqualification proceedings

Our clients, two UK companies and one overseas company, had been presented with a public interest winding up petition issued by the Secretary of...

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