Whatever issue you're facing, we use our experience to find the best solution for you. Here you can read case studies demonstrating how we have helped other clients to find commercial solutions to their problems and enable them to get on with business.
Facilitating a change of business ownership through a contract review
Our client, a major independent receivables financier, was asked by an existing customer for its consent to the sale of its shares to a...
Using our detailed understanding of the sector to support client expansion plans abroad
Via its specialist online platform, our client provides invoice finance and ‘back office’ administration support to recruitment agencies. One of its existing customers wanted...
Ensuring a solvent business restructure for the next generation
Our client was providing commercial finance to a recruitment agency. The shareholder and director of the agency was planning his retirement. As a first...
Efficiently getting debts paid by a debtor outside the UK
Our client, an invoice factoring company, was faced with a situation where a significant debtor based in Northern Ireland had gone to ground.
Putting together a successful deal using pre-lend structuring
Our client, a specialist finance provider, had been approached by a wholesale distributor to the motor engineering sector, to provide it with a composite...
Providing advice on an intercreditor agreement to enable new business funding
Our client, a receivables financier, was asked by an existing customer for its consent to the company obtaining a secured loan from another financier.
Enabling a business expansion by preparing a waiver of security rights
Our client, a major independent invoice financier, was asked by an existing customer for its consent to the acquisition by the company of a...
Finding a commercial solution to balancing a creditor’s interests using permitted payment agreements
Our client, a major independent receivables financier, was looking to ‘on-board’ a new customer that wanted to retain an existing loan arrangement that involved...