Why the client needed our help
Our client came to us for help having been served with a statutory demand claiming an overdrawn director’s loan account following the liquidation of his company. Urgent help was needed to avoid bankruptcy and to settle the claim on a commercial basis.
How we helped
Using information provided by the client and the client’s accountant we were able to identify a number of transactions which fell beyond the scope of any potential claim against the client, thereby reducing the overall liquidator claim.
The outcome
We used this information, also highlighting to the claimant the commercial realities and litigation risk involved if this claim were to be issued to achieve a very favourable settlement for our client.
Settlement included all possible claims against our client and, in addition to being commercially favourable to him, also removed the real threat of bankruptcy enabling the client to continue to work.
FWJ were very hands-on, getting involved from an early stage in seeking to avert an expensive set of litigation proceedings. I am more than happy to recommend their services, particularly when it comes to considering complicated issues or complex proceedings.
A client who was facing a liquidator claim for the improper withdrawal of sums from a company. We had the claim dismissed