Why the client needed our help
HMRC was unhappy with the way that our client, a bullion trader in Hatton Garden, had been treating VAT for inter-company payments and claimed that he owed them over £100,000 in tax.
How we helped
Although we were able to prove that our client had applied the appropriate VAT treatment to these payments, HMRC’s officers initially refused to look at the evidence because they disagreed with our stance and our client was forced to pay the full sum. Meanwhile, we appealed the matter to a tribunal, speaking directly to HMRC’s solicitors and explaining why the assessment was wrong.
The outcome
The assessment was subsequently withdrawn and our client got all of their money back. We also saved them around £30-£40k in legal fees by settling the matter out of court, without needing to resort to a formal hearing. We also helped them to adjust their systems so effectively that, unlike other precious metal dealers, they are no longer under the enhanced scrutiny of HMRC.
FWJ did precisely what it set out to do. I am extremely grateful for its assistance.
A client who had received a Request for Security from HMRC for a sum that would have caused their company severe financial difficulties. We helped them to have the entire bill withdrawn