HomeFWJ TakeawayFraud and freezing ordersApplying for a freezing orderDifferent types of corporate fraud explained
Cover of Different types of corporate fraud explained tip booklet

Identify common types of corporate fraud

This booklet explains the different types of corporate fraud: corporate services fraud, institutional investment fraud, business trading fraud, intellectual property theft and counterfeit goods fraud, insurance specific fraud, telephony specific  and gambling specific frauds.

Contact our brilliant fraud and freezing order team. Or speak directly to our expert Maria Koureas-Jones today.

FWJ were very hands-on, getting involved from an early stage in seeking to avert an expensive set of litigation proceedings. I am more than happy to recommend their services, particularly when it comes to considering complicated issues or complex proceedings.

A company director

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Stephen Downie

Stephen Downie


Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter


Maria Koureas-Jones

Maria Koureas-Jones


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