HomeDirector Disqualification Case ExamplesDirector Disqualification for trading to the detriment of creditors

Sometimes directors can face disqualification for a range of different allegations, from tax and accounting offences to Immigration and fraud. Whatever the offence, we have over 20 years' experience helping directors. We will have seen it before. Call for a free consultation today.

We have been defending directors from trading to the detriment claims for over 20+ years. We have the mix of expertise int he practice which can help – legal, accounting, insolvency and tax.

Before instructing a lawyer – make sure you call us today. You wont be disappointed.

Our team includes

  • Stephen Downie is a partner and heads up our director disqualification team. Stephen is dual qualified as both a solicitor (with higher rights) and is a qualified accountant with expertise in complex accounting, tax and financial matters. What differentiates Francis Wilks & Jones from other solicitors is that Stephen was previously an Insolvency Examiner within the Insolvency Service, an accountant working within Insolvency Practitioner firms investigating directors’ conduct and – following qualification as a solicitor in 2006 – Stephen spent 5 years as solicitor for the Secretary of State and Official Receivers, managing director disqualification claims.  For the last 10-15 years since joining Francis Wilks & Jones, Stephen has advised and assisted Directors in defending director disqualification claims and getting them permission to continue acting as a director despite disqualification. 
  • Andy Lynch is an expert on any HMRC issues and is able to assist on any complex tax related matters. Before joining FWJ, Andy spent 18 years at HMRC in the special investigations team. He regularly defends directors in a variety of claims.

I was delighted by the work done by the team at FWJ and cannot recommend them highly enough. Their legal and tactical knowledge was spot on. I can now continue to grow my business free from the worry of my original disqualification.

A director we defended against a disqualification claim

Director Disqualification for trading to the detriment of creditors

View Director Disqualification Case Studies

Key contacts

Alev Tonks

Alev Tonks


Andy Lynch

Andy Lynch


Stephen Downie

Stephen Downie


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