HomeFWJ TakeawayDirector disqualification claimsCommon reasons for disqualificationWhat is misconduct in director disqualification claims?
Cover of Directors' Duties and Responsibilities - What Constitutes Misconduct? Part 1 tip booklet

How this booklet can help you

Here we consider the general question of directors’ conduct and what ultimately constitutes a finding of “unfitness” and possible disqualification when acting as a director.

Whatever your situation, we can help. Contact our brilliant director services team today. Or speak to one of our experts – Stephen Downie or Alev Tonks for help today.

One of the most astute appointments I have ever made.

A company director we successfully defended against disqualification

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Stephen Downie

Stephen Downie


Alev Tonks

Alev Tonks


Andy Wilks

Andy Wilks

Managing Partner

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