Cover for How much are my shares worth tip booklet

Get maximum value for your shares

This handy booklet helps you understand how to reach a proper valuation of your shares – something that is very important if you are looking to sell or exit a business. Make sure you get MAXIMUM value.

Read more about our brilliant shareholder services. Alternatively, contact partners Stephen Downie or Maria Koureas-Jones today for help.

Supportive and friendly with partner-led involvement, I would recommend Francis Wilks & Jones to anyone facing a similar situation.

A shareholder who turned to us after discovering that his co-shareholder was profiting well from their business while he was being paid a pittance. We helped him find a way out of the business by selling his shares

Key contacts

Stephen Downie

Stephen Downie


Maria Koureas-Jones

Maria Koureas-Jones


Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter


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