If you find yourself in a position of receiving a money claim either at pre issue stage or in the form of a county court / high court claim, statutory demand, winding up petition or bankruptcy petition, then we have the team who can help.

It can often feel quite threatening to receive a formal claim in the post and / or via a process server, but the key always is to act quickly and take legal advice.

The team at Francis Wilks & Jones have dealt with many thousands of legal claims over the years and successfully defended many individuals over the years.

Standard county court claims

We can help you with all the key aspects of the litigation process such as

  • Responding to a Pre-Action Protocol letter
  • Drafting a Defence to the claim
  • Drafting a separate Counter claim
  • Completing a Directions questionnaire
  • Dealing with disclosure of documents
  • Drafting witness statements
  • Assisting with trial preparations and the trial itself.

We are always aware that people would prefer not to get involved in the litigation process is at all possible, so we also have a strong emphasis on seeking commercial resolutions to claims and pursuing settlement on favourable terms.

Insolvency based proceedings

We can also assist if you are faced with the more threatening types of insolvency-based proceedings, including

  • Dealing with statutory demands and making applications to set them aside
  • Dealing with bankruptcy petitions and applying to have them dismissed.
  • Dealing with winding up petitions, including possible injunctive relief applications if required.

If you do find yourself facing one of these types of claims – then it is vital you act quickly and do not ignore the claim, however threatening it may feel.

Our experience in dealing with these types of claims mean that we can successfully assist our private clients even in what appear to be the most difficult of circumstances.

If you have any issues you would like to discuss, please contact one of the team now and we would be delighted to help you.

Key contacts

Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter


Anna Beetson

Anna Beetson


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