There are many different types of small business loans advertised online and you will need to consider which type of loan your business needs. A key factor is to determine what you are aiming to achieve with the money, whether this may be for a long term objective, such as building a new manufacturing plant or short term, e.g. paying off outstanding debts with suppliers.
There are a number of small business loans you can opt for depending on your individual circumstances, such as
- cash flow loans;
- invoice discounting;
- factoring;
- start up business loans;
- SME business loans; and
- trade finance facilities.
Once you have chosen the most suitable type of small business loan and funder, you may wish to take legal advice to ensure that you have protected your business interests.
Here at Francis Wilks & Jones we are experienced in providing legal advice on small business loans and can readily spot unfair contract or onerous terms which may have been drafted in by the lender. We will provide you with commercially sound advice and aim to negotiate the terms of your small business loan.
At Francis Wilks & Jones we can put you in touch with trusted independent brokers who can help you in this aspect.
Our expert team of banking and finance solicitors at Francis Wilks & Jones are here to assist with any issues which may arise from your small business loan. Our knowledge of commercial finance and loan agreements is exceptional. We have dealt with numerous banking and finance transactions and advised on many aspects of loan agreement execution. Our practical expertise means that we can assist whatever the nature of your small business loan enquiry.