Sometimes it isn’t possible to recover a debt using an LBA. But don’t worry – our county court and high court experts have it covered.
County Court claims
For all claims below £100,000, we issue in the county court using Money Claims On-Line (MCOL).
Our systems are linked directly to the court issue system – meaning that we can, in the vast majority of cases, can issue any claim within 24 hours of receipt (often issuing the same day).
For claims over £100,000 but which still cannot be issued in the High Court, these must be issued manually and sent to the County Court Business Centre for processing.
In either case, we offer competitive fixed fee pricing for all county court claims. Whatever the value of your debt – you can be certain how much it will cost.
High Court claims
For claims requiring issue through the High Court, our systems mean that we can issue these online – and often the same day. As with county court claims – we offer competitive fixed fee pricing for all High Court issuing.
Francis Wilks & Jones were responsive, available at all times to deal with any of my queries and very reassuring. I would definitely recommend them to deal with proceedings
A client of FWJ
FWJ have been helping us with volume debt recovery for five years now and we’ve been really impressed. She’s very diligent and her deep understanding of our business model means she can progress matters in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. She’s also great at giving honest advice from both a commercial and legal perspective.
Jason Foran, General Manager at Rightside Financial Services Limited
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FWJ takeaway
2 minute read
UK Insolvency Statistics
2 minute read
Compulsory Small Claims Mediation
2 minute read
How long does a CCJ last?
< 1 minute read
Statutory Demand Guide
2 minute read
Winding Up Petition Guide
< 1 minute read
Enforcing a judgment [2024 Guide]
5 minute read
Winding-up and statutory demand help
< 1 minute read
What is a demand letter?
< 1 minute read