HomeSMEs, directors & shareholdersDebt recoveryEnforcement of foreign judgments

If you are a judgment creditor based abroad and looking to enforce a judgment against a debtor based in England or Wales - we have the team to help. Wherever you are based and whatever your debt, we can help. Call us for a free consultation today.

Francis Wilks & Jones has an expert debt recovery team.  We regularly assist claimants and defendants from foreign jurisdictions with claims in England and Wales.

One of our specialist areas of expertise is helping creditors based abroad to enforce of foreign judgments in England & Wales. But we can also assist with recovering debts in Scotland and Northern Ireland too.

Why enforce in England & Wales?

If you are a creditor from a foreign jurisdiction, you may wish to enforce your judgment in England and Wales if the debtor is based in or has assets in the jurisdiction.

Different enforcement regimes

There are a number of different regimes for enforcement of foreign judgments in England and Wales. Which regime applies to you will depend where your judgment was obtained. The different regimes include:

Which countries can we help

Our team can assist creditors from a wide range of jurisdictions, including:

  • United States
  • China
  • Russia
  • Dubai International Financial Centre
  • Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Europe

Our expertise are not limited to the above jurisdictions – get in touch with us to discuss whether we can assist you.

What enforcement options are available?

You will be able to enforce your judgment in England and Wales using various methods. Our expert team will make sure that the right enforcement option is chosen for you – we will maximise the chances of our debt getting paid.

Fast effective help – call us today

Call our expert team for a free consulation today. We collect in millions of pounds a year for our clients. Let us help you too.

As credit and collection professionals ourselves, we have to be pretty discerning about the lawyers we retain so it speaks volumes that Francis Wilks & Jones have been our retained solicitors for many years now. Thoroughly professional, the firm has a wide knowledge and experience of the legalities of the debt recovery scene. Sound advice is always available and provides crucial support with some of the more difficult decisions that we have to make.

The Credit Protection Association


Key contacts

Hardeep Singh

Hardeep Singh


Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter


Alev Tonks

Alev Tonks


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