If your company bank account has been frozen because of a winding up petition – we can help. A validation order application is normally the best way to proceed, allowing you to continue trading and avoiding the risk of personal liability as well. We have been helping businesses since 2002. Let our team of experts help you too. We can also explain how the costs position is resolved in such an application

As part of the application process, you can ask for the validation of payments by the company to its professional advisors to cover the costs of the validation order application itself. If this is granted, the winding-up court usually orders that the costs of the application are “in petition”.

This means that if the winding-up petition is dismissed and no winding-up order is made, the petitioning creditor must pay the costs of the validation order application. However, the court may order that the applicant is liable for the cost of the application – this is particularly likely if the application is unsuccessful.

Our expert team of winding up petition and validation order solicitors at Francis Wilks & Jones are here to help you with any issues you might be facing. Contact one of our expert friendly winding up petition lawyers now for your confidential consultation.

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